Why do we study RSHE & PSHE?

Through our RSHE and PSHE programmes we strive to equip our children with the skills to become caring, respectful, responsible, confident individuals and citizens of the future. We want our children to develop in a safe and nurturing environment where they are able to express themselves articulately and gain a further understanding of themselves as unique people, made in the image of God. Our intention is for our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and a responsibility towards others. This is deeply rooted in our school mission statement: ‘Together in one family, together in friendship, together in learning, together in Christ’.

We believe that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is an integral part of a child’s education so they can ‘Live life to the full’. Our children will explore how we are created and loved by God, created to love others and created to live in community. Through RSE our children understand the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships. They understand how to show respect, love and care for others as well as themselves.

RHSE: Long Term Plan

RHSE Curriculum Information

RHSE or Relationship, Health and Sex Education is taught throughout a pupil’s time at St Winefride’s in-line with guidance from our Diocese of Nottingham and the Department of Education. Throughout the year, all classes will be following ‘Life to the Full’ and “Kapow,” to compliment what we already do in school.

On our policy page, or the link below you can find our full policy, which clearly shows how each part of the expectations of the curriculum is met through our work with CAFOD, Catholic Social Teaching principles, PSHE, RSHE, To Know You More Clearly and Science curriculum – of course, as is everything we do at St Winefride’s, this is taught with the Gospel Values at the heart of it.

All of the members of staff who teach Relationships and Health Education have completed training. The RSHE subject lead, Mrs Monk, has attended additional Diocesan training facilitated by the CES.

Parents of year 4, 5 and 6 pupils are informed of when the Sex Education sessions will be, what they entail and have the right to withdraw their children from the Sex Education part but not the Relationship part. School is required to record the names of children who are withdrawn from the Sex Education part of the curriculum.

Parents can view the content of our RSHE through visiting the Life to the Full portal via the following link:


Username: Winefridesparent

Password: Winefrides